Our Mission

URWorthIt!® is dedicated to helping children achieve their full potential by helping them claim their worthiness of unconditional love and success. We believe that all persons have unique talents and gifts and when these talents and gifts are acknowledged and developed, success and fulfillment can be achieved. For children to do well, their parents, teachers, and communities need to be educated on how to have the most positive impact on their children’s development and self-worth. Our programs and training are targeted to achieve these goals.

Our Vision

Children will achieve their full potential and love themselves. Children are loved and nurtured by their families and communities. The result of this love is elevated self-worth, happiness, and life success that creates a positive ripple effect on future generations

Our Values

The following values are the cornerstone of our organization:

Love – We believe that every person has intrinsic value and is lovable. They are worthy of self-love and love from others.

Hope – We believe that all persons have the inherent birthright to expect the best life situation that promotes opportunity for achievement and fulfillment of their potential.

Trust – Do What’s Right We are committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct in all that we do. We believe that honesty and integrity engender trust, which is the cornerstone of our organization.

Respect Others – We recognize that our success as an organization depends on the talent, skills, and expertise of our people and our ability to function as a tightly integrated team. We appreciate our diversity and believe that respect – for our colleagues, donors, partners, and all those with whom we interact, is an essential element of all positive and productive relationships.

Commitment to our Mission and Excellence – We understand the importance of our mission and the trust our donors place in us. With this in mind, we are committed to excel in every aspect of our organization and approach every challenge with a determination to succeed